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India ready to invest in Belarus’ pharmaceutical industry

Indian companies are ready to invest in pharmaceutical production in Belarus, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Belarus Manoj Kumar Bharti told reporters on 21 January, BelTA has learned.

India invites Belarusian companies to come to the Indian market and invest in various economic sectors. According to the diplomat, Belarusian partners might get interested in housing construction projects, infrastructure projects and manufacture of related products. The Indian Ambassador noted that foreign investments now can account for up to 49% of assets in Indian’s defense industry. “In his speech in the parliament on 15 January Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko urged Belarusian companies to search for new sales markets for their products and services. I am absolutely convinced that India can offer great opportunities in all economic sectors,” the diplomat noted.

Manoj Kumar Bharti believes that Belarusian and Indian companies can ramp up cooperation in manufacturing and information technologies.

“The government of India and the Indian Embassy in Minsk are determined to promote cooperation with Belarus. The Indian Embassy is open for new ideas and collaboration with scientists, economists, manufacturers and journalists,” Manoj Kumar Bharti said.