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India to grant scholarships to young Belarusian scientists

India will annually provide scholarships to young Belarusian scientists. The decision was announced during a session of the joint Belarusian-Indian commission for sci-tech cooperation in New Delhi, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry.

The first five young Belarusian scientists have been chosen to participate in the research work at the leading scientific centers of India. The internship programs will begin in March 2015.

Besides, Belarus and India will hold two joint research and practice seminars in the fields that are promising for both countries – information technologies and cyber security, nanotechnologies and nanomaterials.

The participants of the session signed a protocol of the joint commission and an executive program for Belarus-India scientific and technical cooperation for 2015-2017. The sides have made plans to hold joint scientific seminars, promote transfer of technologies and exchange of information, and organize visits of scientists. Belarus and India will jointly implement and finance nine scientific research projects in bioinformatics and biotechnologies, nanotechnologies and nanomedicine, photonics, ecology and sustainable use of natural resources, and renewable energy resources.

The sides also agreed to discuss the organization of full-scale Days of Belarusian Science in India in 2015 as part of the India International Trade Fair.

The Belarusian delegation was headed by Director General of the State Powder Metallurgy Association Alexander Ilyushchenko. The Indian delegation was led by Co-Chair, Head of the International Bilateral Cooperation Division of the Indian Science and Technologies Ministry Arabinda Mitra.