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Infant mortality rate in Belarus at about European average

In Belarus the maternal and infant mortality is at about European average, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security Alexander Rumak told reporters, BelTA has learned.

“Our state attaches special attention to the support of motherhood and family. This support starts from the moment the family is created. Pregnant women get comprehensive healthcare. In terms of mother and child welfare, the infant and maternal mortality, Belarus is at the level of advanced countries. It is encouraging that in 2013 and the first half of this year, Belarus did not register a single case of maternal mortality,” said the deputy minister.

The infant mortality rate in the country remains low, added Alexander Rumak. In 2013, the infant mortality rate was 3.5 per 1,000 live births. In the first half of 2014 it was 3.2. For comparison: in Austria the figure is 3.3 per 1,000 live births, in Belgium, France and the Netherlands - 3.4, and in Russia it is more than 7. "These figures confirm the high level of healthcare for mothers and babies in our country," said Alexander Rumak.
Tags: healthcare