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Internship programs for young Belarusian scientists in Austria

Young Belarusian scientists will be able to visit the Austrian Academy of Sciences to share experience, President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Anton Zeilinger said during the election of foreign members of the National Academy of Sciences, BelTA has learned.

"We plan to launch the program for young Belarusian scientists. They will be able to attend our Academy of Sciences within a month or six months, learn new techniques and then use them at home," he explained.

According to Anton Zeilinger, scientists representing all areas of Belarusian science will have such an opportunity, but the priority will be given to quantum information science.

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has been cooperating with the Austrian Academy for more than 20 years. The main areas of cooperation are physics and microelectronics. In the future the academies plan to cooperate in space science.

According to President of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology Chau Van Minh, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has carried out many joint projects with the Vietnamese academy, especially in the field of fundamental research. "We want to cooperate with the Belarusian scientists in biotechnology, biochemistry and pharmaceuticals," he said.

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus elected new foreign members for the first time in the last 15 years. This year three prominent scientists came to Minsk for the election. Academician Anton Zeilinger, president of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, has made a considerable contribution to the development of quantum physics at the international level. Professor Chau Van Minh, president of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, has gained recognition for his works in chemistry. Academician Alexander Aseyev, vice president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chairman of the Siberian Office of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is globally renowned for his works in semiconductor systems. The scientists got special diplomas of the academy at a solemn ceremony on 13 November.

At present there are ten foreign scientists among members of the National Academy of Sciences. Among them is Noble Prize holder Zhores Alferov, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev and President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Boris Paton.