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Investigation committees of Belarus, Russia working on genome-based personal identification

The investigation committees of Belarus and Russia are working on the Union State program meant to develop innovative genogeographic and genome-based technologies to identify people and individual traits of human beings by researching gene pools of the regions of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, BelTA learned from Valentin Shayev, Chairman of the Investigation Committee of Belarus, and 11 September.

According to the source, as part of the program methods to ascertain the geographical origin of the suspect using the suspect’s genotype will be developed and assimilated. “We are busy filling up the database that contains genotype data. It will come in handy for determining where the suspect comes from, the suspect’s race and some other peculiarities of the territory,” explained the official.

Valentin Shayev stressed that the program is very important for solving crimes and the work on the program is already in progress.

BelTA has been told that the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is also involved in the program as well as the Russian Academy of Sciences and the State Forensics Committee of Belarus.