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Italian doctors in Belarus show new methods to prevent post-surgery complications

Italian cardiologists have demonstrated innovative methods to prevent complications after heart surgeries. The methods were demonstrated during the national conference dedicated to the prevention and treatment of cardiac muscle diseases. The conference took place in Gomel on 11-12 December, BelTA has learned.

Italian intensivist Giuseppe Isgro told the participants of the conference about innovative methods to prevent multiple organ failure and acute renal failure during heart surgeries. “It is an absolutely new way to treat post-surgery complications. It is about the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit. The San Donato General Hospital where I work has amassed immense experience in rehabilitation of patients of all ages, including children. This experience will be of great help to Belarusian heart surgeons who have a high professional level,” Giuseppe Isgro said.

The multiple organ failure and acute renal failure are serious complications of the early post-surgery period. These complications can be deadly, therefore modern-day medicine pays utmost attention to their prevention, the Italian specialist said.

Taking part in the national conference were leading cardiologists from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Germany and Belgium. They discussed matters related to the resilience of cardiac muscle, rehabilitation of cardiac patients, approaches to treating heart rhythm disorders and preventing sudden cardiac death. The renowned cardiologists showcased surgical technologies and gave master classes at the Gomel Regional Teaching Heart Center. Foreign experts pointed to the great progress made by Belarusian cardiology and cardiac surgery.

An agreement was reached with Ukrainian doctors to conduct a joint international conference on cardiac valve surgeries in Kiev in autumn 2015.