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Japan sees considerable potential for cooperation with Belarus in IT

Japan sees considerable potential for cooperation in information technology with Belarus, Executive Director at the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Koji Yonetani said as he opened the seminar and presentation Discover IT Belarus in Tokyo, Japan, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The event was organized on the initiative of the Belarusian Embassy in Japan jointly with JETRO. Partaking in the seminar was a Belarusian delegation headed by Deputy Director of Belarus’ High-Tech Park Alexander Martinkevich. The delegation also comprised senior executives of the BelHard group of companies and the companies Synesis LLC and Intetics. Besides, the event was attended by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Japan Sergei Rakhmanov.

The seminar featured a presentation of Belarus’ High-Tech Park. The participants discussed the prospects for Belarus-Japan cooperation in IT, software engineering, outsourcing, and other promising avenues.

Koji Yonetani emphasized that Belarus and Japan have considerable potential for cooperation in IT. He called on Japanese companies to intensify ties with Belarus.

The Belarusian delegation presented an overview of Belarus’ IT industry, intelligent video surveillance and content management system (Synesis LLC), earthquake early warning system, drug identification system, the system of navigation in confined spaces (BelHard group of companies) and others. The presentation drew great interest from Japanese companies.

During the meeting between the Belarusian delegation and the JETRO Executive Director it was noted that Belarus and Japan have great potential for developing cooperation in information technology, science, agriculture and other areas.

During the visit to Japan Alexander Martinkevich and representatives of the Synesis LLC met with the Rakuten media company which in 2014 acquired the Viber mobile service developed in Belarus. The Belarusian side presented cutting-edge software solutions. The parties also reviewed the prospects for the use of the intelligent video surveillance system in the security systems in Japan the demand for which may increase in the run-up to the Olympics 2020.