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Lukashenko: Belarus puts a stop to outflow of young scientists

Belarus managed to resolve the problem of the outflow of young scientists. Today more and more young people decide to go into science, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said as he presented diplomas to academicians and members of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) on 23 January, BelTA has learned.

The head of state remarked that practical needs of people have always been the driving force behind scientific ideas. A true scientist derives inspiration from these needs. Of course, a researcher is very happy to see the results of his work used for the common good, Alexander Lukashenko remarked.

“Frederic Joliot-Curie once said that being part of a great family, scientists must be focused on how their discoveries are used. One should not forget that science plays a crucial role in the formation of a worldview of an individual in the modern society. Humanitarian sciences have special importance. Scientific achievements not only ensure the economic uplift and technical progress, but also make an input in the cultural, educational and intellectual potential of the nation. It is the foundation of the independent development of the country,” the President emphasized.

“The authority of the scientist and the prestige of the profession are on the rise. We managed to prevent the outflow of young specialists from this sector. More young people decide to work in labs, to devote themselves to science,” the head of state noted.

Alexander Lukashenko believes that in the Year of Youth it is essential to step up efforts to support talented university students, postgraduate students and scientists. It is important to share the best practices with them, to engage them in scientific research.

The head of state is convinced that the efforts to bring up the younger generation will pay off in spades as it is a guarantee of the continuity of scientific schools. “It is good that many of you stay committed to the chosen profession. I hope that it will be a good example for your younger colleagues. Every scientist must be proud of his students and train those who will replace him in the future. You should promote promising researchers, encourage initiatives and give responsible tasks to them,” the President stressed.
Tags: Lukashenkoscience