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Lukashenko: Belarusian science should focus on the needs of domestic economy

Belarusian science should focus on the needs of the domestic economy and become an effective tool of its modernization, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said during the meeting on the development of science in Belarus, BelTA.

The President believes that the results of scientific research both in natural and human sciences need to be turned into the intellectual product needed by the economy and the society. Alexander Lukashenko stressed that the emphasis should be made on application developments. In his view, this requires the improvement of the existing system of management by objective in science.

“Work on direct orders of the manufacturing sector should be made a commonplace practice. In the present-day conditions it is important not just to be able to distribute and utilize the budgetary funds for science but to develop a high-tech and innovative product. We need an efficient system of management in science,” the head of state said.

Alexander Lukashenko noted that research in human sciences should be given an analytical priority. “All economic, political, legal and social initiatives implemented by government bodies should be well-founded and based on sound theory,” the head of state said.
Tags: Lukashenkoscience