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Lukashenko: Only promising science-intensive enterprises will be supported in Belarus

Only promising science-intensive enterprises will be supported in Belarus. Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko made the statement as he visited the company OAO Peleng, BelTA has learned.

Alexander Lukashenko remarked that top-priority attention would also be given to the enterprises that rely on locally available raw materials. “We will focus on those enterprises and [enterprises] of tomorrow. And we are going to invest primarily in them,” said the head of state.

The President was made familiar with the state of affairs and promising directions in the work that Belarusian defense industry enterprises do to make state-of-the-art weapons and equipment. The head of state asked about economic parameters in the performance of OAO Peleng and the enterprises run by the State Defense Industries Committee. The President was also interested in the challenges the industry faces.

Alexander Lukashenko was informed about the fulfillment of his instructions to implement projects that envisage the creation of Belarus-made space equipment. The President was made familiar with the manufactured space equipment, the tools and the technologies used by the enterprises to assemble space equipment and make large-sized optics equipment. The head of state saw new and promising weaponry samples made by Belarusian defense industry enterprises and the optical-electronic equipment made by OAO Peleng. The President was also informed about development prospects of the company and the space instrument engineering industry.

The head of state was satisfied with the company’s work on the whole. “I like the company. You work and ask no one for money,” he said.

While talking to OAO Peleng employees, Alexander Lukashenko mentioned his reasons for visiting the enterprise. In his words, he came to see how the best enterprises work in order to be able to make comparisons when visiting the worst enterprises. “You are certainly doing well,” noted the President. “If the executive puts some back into it, there is hardly anything to complain about.” The head of state pointed out that the country treasures executives like OAO Peleng Director General Vladimir Pokryshkin. “Honestly speaking, I didn’t believe he would be able to get his bearings and create the new facilities that fast,” said the President. “I was only interested in one thing: the country can feel secure and can have prospects for existence, including development prospects, if it takes care of technologies of tomorrow.” As an example Alexander Lukashenko mentioned the construction of the nuclear power plant and the woodworking industry. “We have quite many breakthrough areas like that, including in the defense industry,” said the head of state.

“A lot of tasks were assigned. You and I are going to sit an exam, to tell the Belarusian nation what cutting-edge things we have created. The people need to see that our country has a future, has tomorrow. You have accomplished one of the tasks. You have prospects, your own money,” noted Alexander Lukashenko. He went on saying that this year it would be necessary to see what else needed doing “particularly in these complicated times it is important to keep going forward.”
Tags: Lukashenkoscience