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Lukashenko urges to step up innovative development of national economy

It is essential to accelerate innovative development of the national economy, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said at the ceremony held on 24 March to present certificates of doctors of science and professors to research workers and pedagogues, BelTA has learned.

“It is needed to train more highly-qualified specialists in a number of priority and in-demand industries of the real economy. These include biotechnology, microbiology, electronic instrument-making, energy sector, chemistry and production of mineral fertilizers, development and enrichment of natural resources, production and processing of farm produce,” the head of state stressed.

Partaking in the ceremony to present certificates of doctors of science and professors were a lot of specialists in natural and technical sciences, physics and mathematics. Addressing the scientists, the President said: “It is important that your developments are in demand. They are used to design new composite materials, devices for the transfer, reception and processing of information, in superconducting nanoelectronics, new optic elements.”

Alexander Lukashenko pointed out the achievements of Belarusian agrarians who have reached good results in the development of modern substances against plant diseases.

The event was attended by a number of specialists in humanitarian sciences, namely lawyers, sociologists, economists, art historians. “You are committed to studying the objective laws governing the modern society and economic systems, preservation of the historical and cultural legacy, enrichment of the spiritual wealth of the nation. Specialists in humanitarian sciences have a special mission today, and they must fulfill it,” Alexander Lukashenko said.
Tags: Lukashenkoscience