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Method to quantify lung damage in COVID patients developed in Gomel

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MINSK, 15 June (BelTA) – A team of Gomel State Medical University has developed a guidance to quantify the degree of lung damage in COVID patients, BelTA learned from the press service of the Healthcare Ministry.

“The study involved employees of the Phthisiology and Pulmonology Department and specialists taking knowledge enhancement courses (S.V. Goponyako, I.V. Buinevich, D.Yu. Ruzanov, K.V. Levchenko, V.I. Maiseyenko) under the guidance of Rector of the university I.O. Stoma,” the message reads.

Based on clinical data (degree and duration of hyperthermia in patients), the method allows calculating the expected degree of lung damage. The method will help objectively assess the condition of COVID-19 patients, decide whether they need hospitalization, and comprehensively assess the dynamics and possible development of the disease.

A lung damage calculator is available on the website of the university. It can be accessed via the link and QR code (including from mobile devices).
