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Microsoft in talks with Belarusian universities on IT academy project

Irina Maksimova
Microsoft is negotiating the idea of the establishment of an IT academy at premises of Belarusian universities, BelTA learned from Irina Maksimova, head of Microsoft’s representative office in Belarus, at the press conference held on 7 April to discuss the first international educational forum European Quality Education (EQE Forum) in Belarus.

Irina Maksimova remarked that Microsoft is interested in cooperation with virtually all the Belarusian universities. Work is in progress with many educational establishments and institutions of Belarus, including the Belarusian State University and the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. “Some interesting initiatives have been launched. Some universities have signed the strategic School Agreement with us, which allows implementing a lot of various projects. We are in talks with some universities on opening an IT academy,” she said.

According to the source, the IT academy will allow students and professors to pass advanced technology usage courses, undoubtedly contributing to their competitive ability on the labor market. “Moreover, the project will raise the overall computer literacy of the nation because third-party students could be invited. Then universities will become centers to raise one’s computer literacy, which is good for the Belarus population and for the universities themselves. In turn, we are ready to offer training materials, know-how and technologies,” stressed the head of the representative office of Microsoft in Belarus.

According to the expert, the measures will allow using technologies as part of the education process in addition to enabling students to study the technologies and use them later in all spheres of business. The ways a modern company uses information technologies to gain a competitive edge is central to business success, noted Irina Maksimova. “The knowledge of information technologies is not a basic discipline but the skill is in demand virtually in all spheres of business,” she added.

Asked whether Microsoft is interested in taking part in the implementation of the concept for the informatization of the Belarusian education industry till 2020, the executive noted that education industry is a strategic industry for the company. “We can offer accessible technologies on comfortable financial terms to universities, students, and professors. It is possible to create conditions for studying these technologies. We are open to cooperation,” stressed Irina Maksimova.