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Microsoft offers solutions to improve education process quality in Belarus

Microsoft offers complex IT solutions meant to improve the quality of the education process in Belarus. The idea was discussed at a seminar arranged by Microsoft representatives for students and professors of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR).

During the seminar every participant outlined three key requirements and tasks relevant for the participant’s posts. After that every participant outlined three main problems that impede their work. Microsoft Belarus representative Yevgeny Koren remarked that the approach made the seminar very effective. The mentioned problems included the shortage of qualified personnel for training both students and professors and the lack of funding.

Microsoft representatives informed participants of the seminar about the technologies the company offers with a view to helping the participants of the seminar overcome the difficulties they encounter personally. It was mentioned that Microsoft has a complex solution able to radically change the state of affairs in the education system.

Using the program Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES) is the idea. The program includes all the initiatives and the platform of Microsoft, licenses for Office 365 and IT Academy. Microsoft is ready to invest considerable resources in the deployment of IT Academy, stressed Yevgeny Koren. The EES program allows education institutions to get licenses for all the computers using one subscription agreement. The program provides licensing based on counting the number of employees on an annual basis in addition to granting the right to acquire any number of licenses for additional products. The EES program has been developed taking into account peculiarities of the complicated IT environment of modern education institutions.

The seminar arranged by Microsoft in the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics is part of the international conference European Quality Education that will take place in Minsk on 27-28 November. Taking part in the conference will be the management and professors of higher education institutions of Belarus and other CIS states, the European Union, and the UK, representatives of recruiting agencies and major companies of Belarus, interested students.

Microsoft’s representative office has been operating in Belarus since October 2011. The office prioritizes software promotion, the development of the partnership network, the introduction of software products, replication and localization of state-of-the-art solutions in addition to developing the national market of information technologies.