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Minsk city administration to step up presence in social networks

The Minsk city administration will step up its presence in social networks. The task was set by Chairman of the Minsk City Executive Committee Andrei Shorets on 5 January, BelTA has learned.

According to the Minsk Mayor: “There are quite many people who like to call us via hotlines. We sometimes lack the time to answer all the questions. People often ask why Minsk City Hall is not present in Twitter and other social networks. It is time to change the situation. We could use social networks to answer some questions from the most active citizens”.

About 70 people manage to reach the Minsk Mayor when direct hotlines are arranged while about 1,000 people have to wait in line. Over 200,000 Minsk residents contact the city administration using the one-stop procedure every year. Apart from the one-stop service of the district administrations of the city and the city administration residents can reach the city contact center by dialing 142. In addition to explanations about how citizens are supposed to proceed in handling various affairs the contact center offers information about the administrative procedures performed by the Minsk city administration and the administrations of the city districts, about working hours of government agencies, phone numbers, and reception hours of civil servants.