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Minsk City Hall invites Chinese partners to partake in “smart city” project

The Minsk City Hall invites Chinese partners to take part in the “smart city” project, Deputy Chairperson of the Minsk City Hall Zhanna Birich said at the Belarusian-Chinese inter-regional business forum on 11 May, BelTA has learned.

Zhanna Birich mentioned a number of promising cooperation avenues. The Minsk City Hall is interested in the implementation of the Belarusian-Chinese joint telecom project at the Minsk-based company MTIS. The project aims to create the “smart city” system. Minsk authorities are also planning to implement a project to develop a transport security system with video surveillance in Minsk together with Chinese partners.

According to Zhanna Birich, Minsk companies are also eager to advance cooperation with Chinese corporations. For example, OAO Belkommunmash has a number of projects in the manufacture of electric transport, railway transport systems and roadbed.

The deputy chairperson of the Minsk City Hall said about trade and economic cooperation results. In 2014 the trade turnover of Minsk and China made up $1.3 billion. At present there are 45 companies with Chinese capital in Minsk. The Beijing Hotel, Lebyazhy residential area are among the most successful Belarus-China investment projects.