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Minsk to host BankIT’2015 forum in November

The 12th international banking information technology forum BankIT’2015 will take place in Minsk on 18-20 November, BelTA learnt from the Information and PR Department of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

“Following the decision of the organizing committee, the composition of the forum participants will be expanded this time. Invited to attend the event will be representatives of insurance, leasing, microfinance and other financial organizations of Belarus. Among the new goals of the forum is to develop financial business through the introduction of information and communication technologies,” specialists said. In their words, the event will focus on the digital transformation of financial business.

The three-day forum will include discussions on financial business development. “Experts from Belarus and other CIS countries will share experience in transforming banking services by means of modern digital technologies, give their vision of the future retail financial services, consider the viability of the bank business strategy in the digital world. Besides, the event will highlight the development of crypto-currencies and the prospects for block chain development in the banking sphere,” said at the department. Representatives of the National Bank will talk over the IT penetration in financial activities.

The event will include a number of specialized workshops and master-classes.

According to the central bank, BankIT provides its participants with wide opportunities to expand business contacts, find new partners, as well as opens prospects for entering new markets.

The forum is organized by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, the sci-tech association Infopark, and the Association of Belarusian Banks. The forum traditionally gathers representatives of the financial and IT sector as well as government bodies. It is expected that this year the forum will be attended by more than 1,000 specialists.