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Minsk to host international conference on biotechnologies on 6-9 June


MINSK, 1 June (BelTA) – An international conference on biotechnologies will take place in Minsk on 6-9 June, BelTA learned from Director of the Microbiology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) Aleksandr Shepshelev at a press conference.

Aleksandr Shepshelev said: “There is no doubt that future belongs to biotechnologies. Belarusian scientists maintain very tight contacts with scientists from other countries in this field. In particular, for the sake of exchanging opinions, information about the latest accomplishments and achievements in the area of biotechnologies, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus will host the 13th international scientific conference on fundamental and applied aspects of microbial biotechnologies on 6-9 June. Over 240 scientists from various countries are expected to participate in it, including from Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China, and the USA.”

During the conference close attention will be paid to amino acids, biodegradation of plastic, protection of crops, and other matters of current interest. An exhibition is supposed to take place during the conference. The conference's program also includes a roundtable session “Towards green economy via biotechnologies”.

Aleksandr Shepshelev also mentioned several R&D products of the institute. “As for microbial fertilizers, we've developed a preparation meant to restore and maintain vegetation plantations along roads where deicing chemicals are used. It has earned a good reputation in the housing and utilities industry. Trials in Minsk's Pervomaisky District proved its effectiveness. Another recent R&D product we are proud of provides for creating keratinase – a ferment that is meant to split feathers in poultry farming or is used in cosmetology to create various cosmetic products. Belarus can only import it now,” he remarked.

Apart from that, scientists are busy designing substances for the sake of creating medications to treat oncological diseases. They also create ferments for various purposes, including ferments used to make sensor equipment for measuring blood sugar levels. They are used as part of the animal feeding process.
