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Minsk to host international conference on nanoelectromagnetics

The second three-day international conference Fundamental and Applied NanoElectroMagnetics (FANEM 2015) that is to kick off at Minsk’s Belarusian State University on 25 May will bring together more than 50 scientists from 15 countries, BelTA learnt from the press service of the university.

Attending the scientific forum will be specialists in physics, chemistry, material science and instrument engineering from Belarus, England, Belgium, Greece, Denmark, Israel, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, the United States, Finland, France, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine.

The conference will highlight a new research discipline – nanoelectromagnetics. Scientists will discuss electromagnetic emission and nanostructures, consider sci-tech ways of creating new materials to protect different electromagnetic instruments and devices from the impact of external electromagnetic emission.

The conference is organized by the Institute for Nuclear Problems of the Belarusian State University.

Nanoelectromagnetics as a research discipline and a scientific concept was first introduced by scientists of the BSU Institute for Nuclear Problems Sergei Maksimenko and Grigory Slepyan in 2004. The institute was among the first in the country to join the research of the nano world and the development of nanotechnologies.
Tags: cooperationscience