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More digital services in Belarus by 2015

The number of digital services available to individuals and corporations in Belarus will be increased by integrating state information resources with the nationwide computerized information system, BelTA learned from Tatiana Milayenkova, Head of the Electronic Services Development Office of the National Center for Electronic Services (NCES).

In her words, the choice of digital services in advertising will be expanded. A set of services regarding banking processes will be added. Work is in progress to enable digital services in foreign trade operations using one-stop routines. For the sake of allowing the payment of state duties and other payments to the state budget the nationwide computerized information system (NCIS) will be coupled with banking payment systems.

Full-value information mediators will be set up this year. Initially outlets of the national postal service operator Belpochta and outlets of the national telecom operator Beltelecom will be the information mediators. They will render services on the basis of contracts with the National Center for Electronic Services (NCES). The mediators will provide digital services to those, who are unable to get digital services on their own due to any reasons, explained Tatiana Milayenkova. Citizens will be able to use personal identification documents to order digital services and receive the results as certified hardcopies.

According to Tatiana Milayenkova, the development of the nationwide computerized information system and one portal for government services will allow simplifying technical aspects of information interaction and the legal aspects involved in providing information. It is particularly topical for major companies that have to deal with various government agencies all the time. It will no longer be necessary to sign multiple contracts with ministries and agencies. Information consumers will need just one contract with the National Center for Electronic Services. In turn, the Center will sign contracts with all the owners of information resources.

The official said that the state-owned physical infrastructure to provide digital services via the Center has been created and is successfully developing. Experts from countries renowned for digital government adoption approve of the unified scheme used to grant access to consumers via the unified digital services web portal. Unified procedures are used to enable safe and full-value access to the state information resources that have been integrated into the National Center for Electronic Services. The official said she believes government agencies should now work harder to enable the provision of digital services via the web portal in order to satisfy the current requirements of the economy and the nation.