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More wind turbines for Belarus by 2015


The total capacity of wind-powered generators installed in Belarus may be increased by 100 times by 2015, BelTA learned from Igor Rogozin, Head of the Hydrometeorology Office of the Belarusian Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Ministry. Measures to build up the country’s wind energy potential are laid down by the government program for alleviating climate change consequences in 2013-2020. The program was approved by Council of Ministers resolution No. 510 of 21 June 2013.

“At present there are 18 wind turbines in Belarus with their total capacity at 4MW. There are plans to build 13 wind farms by 2015, with their total capacity close to 400MW,” said Igor Rogozin.

The figure is feasible because the climate conditions that favor the exploitation of the wind power potential are now present in many regions of Belarus. A survey has resulted in 1,840 sites fit for placing wind-powered generators with the potential energy output of over 1,600MW.

“Taking into account these figures in line with the government program additional measures to exploit wind energy are supposed to be taken within the next seven years,” said the official. An additional evaluation of the wind energy potential of various parts of the country will be carried out for the sake of placing wind farms there. The acquisition of wind-measuring pillars in 2014-2015 will be an important step towards mastering the national wind energy potential. “The industrial utilization of wind energy will minimize the environmental impact of conventional energy sources and will also reduce the country’s dependence on energy import. In the end it will positively influence the country’s economy,” said Igor Rogozin.

The final goal of the government program for alleviating climate change consequences in 2013-2020 is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 8% by 2020 as against 1990. The goal is specified by Belarus president decree No. 224 of 7 May 2012.

In line with the program document the handling of waste will be improved by installing more biogas plants for processing the organic part of municipal waste and wastewater sludge. At present Belarus has ten biogas plants for processing municipal waste and wastewater sludge with their output capacity at 15MW. By 2020 the figure is supposed to be increased several times over.

To make it happen, pilot projects will be implemented by 2015 to introduce technologies to generate biogas out of the low-calorie organic part of municipal waste and wastewater sludge. In particular, there are plans to organize the collection and use of the biogas accumulated in municipal waste dumps for energy generation. Pyrolysis of the high-calorie part of the waste will be used to make synthetic gas. These projects are clearly environmentally friendly and represent a promising way of using the organic part of municipal waste and wastewater sludge, said the Head of the Hydrometeorology Office of the Belarusian Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Ministry. By putting more efforts into this area Belarus will be able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make considerable headway into waste handling.

The development and introduction of a system of energy effectiveness requirements for designing and operating buildings and installations is another key aspect of the government program. The document pays close attention to increasing the utilization of energy-effective lighting sources and introducing modern requirements for lighting solutions.

The program document also outlines measures to grow more forests in Belarus. The number includes the planting and care for broad-leaved forest species, selection and introduction of southern climatic types into the forest restoration and forest growing procedures. The measures are aimed at creating forests that will weather the changing climate conditions, explained Igor Rogozin.