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Myasnikovich invites Turkmenistan to intensify scientific exchange with Belarus

Belarus and Turkmenistan should step up cooperation in science, Belarusian Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich said at the international conference on science, technology and innovations in the age of power and happiness in Ashgabat on 12 June, BelTA has learnt.

“We need to step up academic exchange, expand postgraduate and doctoral programs,” the Belarusian head of government said. In his words, about 8,500 Turkmen students study at Belarusian universities. About 10% (the most talented) of them could apply for post-graduate programs at Belarusian universities and the National Academy of Sciences.

Mikhail Myasnikovich suggested uniting efforts in the most promising fields of study, including biotechnologies and information and telecommunication technologies. “These fields are in the forefront of human knowledge today. Belarus has a solid groundwork in these fields. Therefore, let us team up,” the Belarusian Premier said.

Mikhail Myasnikovich suggested discussing space research. “Our satellite for the remote sensing of the Earth is working pretty well on the orbit. Therefore, we could consider building a station in Turkmenistan to receive space information,” he noted.

Another promising cooperation avenue is the production of “smart” drugs, Mikhail Myasnikovich noted. Belarus keeps the matter in the focus. There is an agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union partners to expand the production of medicines in the EEU. “The matter has not been formalized yet. I think our Russian and Kazakhstani partners could as well support Turkmenistan’s proposals, if any, on the establishment of joint transnational pharmaceutical corporations that would focus on the production of “smart” drugs,” the Belarusian head of government said.

Mikhail Myasnikovich noted that Belarus’ Hi-Tech Park proved to be a success. “We could consider your suggestions and register your companies in the HTP,” he said.

Belarusian and Turkmenistan scientists harmonized 19 projects. Some of them have already been supported by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, including a project to develop unmanned aircraft systems.