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NASB, Alferov Foundation institute prize for young scientists

The Alferov Foundation and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) have instituted a prize for young scientists. BelTA learnt from the NASB press service of.

In order to encourage Belarusian young scientists (under 35) the NASB Presidium decided to establish a prize of the Foundation to Support Education and Science (Alferov Foundation) and the National Academy of Sciences for scientific works and inventions that are essential for the fundamental and applied science. The initiative of establishing such a prize for young scientists was made by Nobel Prize Winner, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zhores Alferov.

According to the Academy of Sciences, the prize will be awarded for a scholarly work or theme-united works that are made in natural sciences in the nomination announced by the Alferov Foundation and the National Academy of Sciences.

The nomination will be announced not later than 5 September of the contest year. "The work of one author or a group of authors, consisting of no more than three people, can be nominated for the prize. The amount of the prize is $2,500,” informed the NASB press service.

The right to nominate candidates for the award is provided to leading scientists of Russia and Belarus: President of the Alferov Foundation, Chairman of the NASB Presidium, full members (academicians), corresponding members and foreign members of the National Academy of Sciences, the heads of research organizations and also to the Chairperson of the Scientific Council of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research.

Scientific assessment of works submitted for the contest will be made by a special commission of the Alferov Foundation and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The membership of the commission will be approved by the NASB Presidium in agreement with the President of the Alferov Foundation and will include scientists in accordance with the announced nomination. The nominees will nto be included in the commission.
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