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NASB keeps nano, biotechnologies in focus

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) stakes on nano and biotechnologies, Chairman of the NASB Presidium Vladimir Gusakov said at the opening ceremony of the plenary meeting of the international science-to-practice conference “Science for Innovation Development of the Society” hosted by Minsk to mark the 85th anniversary of the Academy and the Day of the Belarusian Science.

According to Vladimir Gusakov, fundamental and applied research should become a brand of the National Academy of Sciences. Fundamental research will focus on nanotechnologies, nano-materials, space exploration, studies in physics, chemistry and mathematics. Applied research will stake on mechanical engineering, agrarian technologies, biotechnologies. BelBiograd cluster, which is currently under development, will specialize in research in biotechnologies. The cluster will create a chain from fundamental research to the organization of production.

The Chairman of the NASB Presidium took note of the recent important developments and successes of the Academy and the state in general. Among them are developments in the biotechnology sphere, agrarian technologies (new varieties excelling world samples), achievements in space exploration (the launch of the Belarusian satellite for the Earth remote sensing).

Vladimir Gusakov congratulated the participants and guests of the conference on the 85th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences. “The Academy is a big history of our science and state. The Academy has survived and has got dynamic development in the recent years, thanks to the support of the head of state,” he said. The NASB head stressed that the Academy should be further integrated into the country’s economy. It is the main goal for all the programs, fundamental and applied research, the Academy’s developments.

Partaking in the plenary meeting are about 500 people. Attending the celebrations of the NASB anniversary are delegations from Russia, Ukraine, China, Lithuania, Poland and other countries.