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beCloud’s 4.5G Internet access service showcased at TIBO 2016 in Minsk

The Belarusian company beCloud offers an opportunity to test a 4.5G Internet access service for the first time ever during the TIBO 2016 expo, BelTA has learned.

“Our company works to offer new technologies to the Belarusian market. These technologies will affect all aspects of life of people and corporations. Today we roll out the next LTE phase — 4.5G. Our clients will be able to connect to the Internet wirelessly at speeds as high as 1Gbps. It is already real,” stressed Sergei Poblaguyev, Director General of SOOO Belarusian Cloud Technologies (beCloud trademark).

The executive noted that the 4.5G Internet access technology will become available to regular consumers in the foreseeable future. “When the technology becomes available depends on many factors, which are not always related to us. It is a new technology and is not available in consumer devices yet. Once it is, all our consumers will be able to enjoy it,” he said.

Anyone can test the 4.5G Internet access service during TIBO 2016.

Sergei Poblaguyev explained that during the expo the company intends to surprise visitors by its services. “We are talking about the services that Belarusians could only get from giant companies such as Google and AppStore in the past. Now cloud services are located in Belarus instead of overseas,” he stated.

The beCloud Director General talked about how regular consumers download apps onto their smartphones. “They don’t know where the application is located, in which data center, they just download it from the cloud. We offer a Belarusian cloud. We are an infrastructure operator intent on removing barriers for those, who sell their services to consumers. For instance, in the past you had to buy a server, hire a programmer and a system administrator in order to offer a simple service like pizza delivery. Now we invite you to do the same by making a few clicks using our platform,” he said.

“It is an alternative for private companies, for those who want to promote digital services in Belarus. In the past they had to rent these computing resources abroad, now they can easily do the same using our cloud platform, which is connected to the nationwide data transfer network and the national data center,” stated Sergei Poblaguyev. He reminded that the Belarusian national data center went online in December 2015 and had been certified for compliance with international standards.

The TIBO 2016 expo is scheduled to take place in Minsk on 19-22 April. The expo focuses on several areas taking into account priorities of the state policy in the area of information and communication technologies. The national data infrastructure is in the spotlight along with the digital economy, digital government and digital interaction, information and communication technologies for social and cultural applications, the digital transformation strategy, robot technologies, digital technologies for printing and publishing industries.

More than 100 companies from 18 countries (Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Czechia, Germany, Finland, Sweden, the UK, Turkey, China, the Republic of Korea, Japan, and the USA) are taking part in the event.

The TIBO expo is held on the sidelines of the international forum on telecommunications, information and banking technologies TIBO 2016.