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Belarusian mobile carrier Velcom to build data center

The Belarusian mobile carrier Velcom will build a data center in Belarus, BelTA learned from Denis Filazafovich, Velcom Deputy Director General for Finance, on 28 April.

The executive said: “It is a strategic project for us due to a number of reasons. First, today’s global economy is growing primarily thanks to digital technologies. It is the digital economy that drives the development of virtually the entire world and Belarus has no chance of staying outside the trend.”

Velcom’s data center will become part of the data center network of the international telecommunication company America Movil. Velcom’s data center will offer services not only to Belarusian clients but foreign ones as well. Clients will be offered reliability, data safety, and 24/7/365 service uptime. “We are convinced there is a great demand [for such services] on the part of Belarusian economic entities, which are intent on raising their competitive ability and getting integrated into the global economy,” added Denis Filazafovich.

Velcom’s data center will be opened in about six months. It will have four machine halls with 200 server cabinets in each. It will be located in Minsk District.