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Ecuador shows interest in Belarusian technologies


Ecuador is interested in attracting Belarusian technologies, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ecuador to Belarus Carlos Humberto Larrea Davila said in an interview with the Belaruskaya Dumka Magazine.

“In turn, Ecuador is ready to deliver products which Belarus does not produce, high-quality products. Another important point is that the Ecuadorian-Belarusian cooperation is based not only on trade. These include more profound cooperation ties of the mutual interest,” the diplomat said.

According to the Ambassador, among the most promising cooperation areas for Belarus and Ecuador is industrial development, transport and construction, petrochemistry and geologic exploration, science and technology, education and healthcare, the military technical area.

“The Ecuadorian side puts special emphasis on the technologies that Belarus is ready to share. We have good prospects for attracting Belarusian specialists to develop cooperation in the oil and gas sphere, signing contracts on oil exploration with Belarus’ participation. Environmental friendliness is an important factor for us. Ecuador is the world’s leader in the number of initiatives aimed at the development of the environmentally-friendly economy. Belarus is the state which attaches much attention to the matter. Belorusneft is among our biggest partners,” the diplomat said.

In his words, among the projects designed for the implementation in 2015 are projects in the sci-tech area, i.e. the construction of joint plants to assemble buses and diesel engines.