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New China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone company to make firefighting drones

Photo courtesy of the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone

MINSK, 21 October (BelTA) – A new resident company of the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone will make innovative firefighting drones, the park's press service told BelTA.

A ceremony to register the new resident company OOO Bel-Zhongbo Emergency and Survival Gear (China) took place in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone on 21 October. Top officials of the park administration and Industrial Park Development Company took part in it. Top officials of the founder company attended the ceremony via videoconference.

Firefighting drones will be the key product of the new resident company. The company will focus on designing and making high-tech firefighting equipment using Internet technologies, aftersales service, and emergency preparedness training.

The China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone is a special economic zone with a special legal regime. It is located 25km away from Minsk. The park's priority development areas include mechanical engineering, electronics and telecommunications, biotechnologies, pharmaceutics, new materials, logistics, digital commerce, big data storage and processing.
