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Online queue in testing at Belarusian border checkpoint Kozlovichi

An experiment to test the operation of the digital queue system at the Belarusian-Polish border checkpoint Kozlovichi has begun, the press service of the State Border Committee of Belarus told BelTA.

On 1 December 2014 for the sake of testing the organizational and technical solutions involved in introducing the digital queue system at the Belarusian state border the Belarusian border service in association with interested government agencies and organizations started the experiment to test the operation of the digital queue system at the Belarusian-Polish border checkpoint Kozlovichi.

The experiment will last till 1 March 2015. Truck drivers will be able to book the time they would like to enter the border checkpoint Kozlovichi via the World Wide Web.

According to the source, those, who have booked their queue place online, will have to arrive in the chosen time period at the border checkpoint using the extreme left traffic lane. After the border service officer verifies that the queue place has indeed been booked, the truck will move on for processing. Those truck drivers, who arrive late, will have to join the common queue.

The digital queue system is run by the Belarusian company Beltamozhservis. The details of the system’s operation, user registration, and border checkpoint booking are available on the website .