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Opinion: Digital transformation of enterprises will help reduce manufacturing costs


MINSK, 26 May (BelTA) – The Belarusian Industry Ministry does systemic work for the sake of modernization and digital transformation of industrial enterprises. Belarusian Deputy Industry Minister Dmitry Kharitonchik mentioned it as he opened a Belarusian-Chinese forum on innovation-driven development of smart manufacturing, BelTA has learned.

Dmitry Kharitonchik noted that effective digital transformation of enterprises would contribute to cost reduction at all stages of product manufacturing, to increasing labor productivity and improving occupational safety conditions and environmental friendliness.

In his words, amid complicated sanctions-based conditions the Industry Ministry works hard on import substitution with regard to industrial digital technologies and on forming long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation with developers and manufacturers of friendly countries. “We are convinced that the Belarusian production sector in association with our Chinese partners will overcome current difficulties, will realize digital transformation plans, and will become more effective, digital and independent,” the deputy industry minister said.

The Belarusian-Chinese forum on innovation-driven development of smart manufacturing is taking place in Belarus for the first time in parallel with the internationally recognized ZGC Forum 2023 (Zhongguancun) in Beijing. According to the Industry Ministry representative, it will contribute to the integration of Belarus' R&D potential into the world space. “The organization of the forum is dedicated to the matter of innovation-driven development of smart manufacturing and will contribute to the intellectual and ecological development of the machine building industry, to the Belt and Road initiative, and to the coordinated development of innovative activities in Belarus' and China's machine building industries,” Dmitry Kharitonchik stressed.

Dmitry Kharitonchik said he was confident that the event is meant to become an additional impulse for implementing the initiative of the two heads of state regarding further advancement of relations of all-weather and comprehensive strategic partnership.
