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Pakistani scientists to visit NASB

Pakistani scientists will visit the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) for the first time on 14 March 2015, BelTA learned from the press service of the NASB.

“The first visit of a scientific delegation from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus will take place from 14 to 18 March 2015. The delegation will come to Minsk on the invitation of the Belarusian side to discuss promising areas and mechanisms of cooperation and study the structure of the NASB and its activities,” the press service explained. The delegation will comprise Secretary General of the Pakistani Academy of Sciences Professor Zabta Shinwari and Executive Director of the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan Professor Mansoor Akbar Kundi.

The press service also noted that during the visit the Pakistani scientists will sign a memorandum on scientific cooperation between the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Pakistani Academy of Sciences. “Our guests will see our permanent exhibition of scientific achievements and visit some organizations of the NASB such as the Scientific and Practical Center for Agriculture Mechanization, the Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry, the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, and others,” the press service said.

The Belarusian National Academy of Sciences has cooperation agreements with 75 foreign academies and scientific centers. The NASB organizations execute export contracts with 35 countries including Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, Ukraine, Germany, and India.
Tags: cooperationscience