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Penza Oblast interested in Belarus' solutions in alternative energy, IT

Penza Oblast of Russia would like to study Belarus' practices in implementing cutting-edge projects in alternative energy, information technologies, and agriculture, Penza Oblast Governor Vasily Bochkarev said as he met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Russia Igor Petrishenko in Penza on 9 December, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Embassy.

“During the talks the governor and the diplomat discussed ways to strengthen trade and economic ties between Belarus and Penza Oblast and reviewed prospects to promote cooperation in manufacturing, agriculture, and construction and to run joint projects in culture and humanitarian field,” the press service noted.

Vasily Bochkarev pointed to the close economic integration between Belarus and Russia. He noted that he views Belarus as a brotherly nation interested in the promotion of mutually beneficial partner relations. “We are open for cooperation, too. We have great potential in manufacturing, construction industry, agriculture, a well-developed transport system and highly-qualified personnel,” he noted.

The governor praise the high quality of Belarus-made passenger transport operated in the region. He shared his impressions of visiting Belarus. “We are jealous, in a good way, of what your government is doing to support the real economic sector,” he added.

Igor Petrishenko welcomed the efforts of the Penza Oblast administration to expand cooperation between Belarus and Penza Oblast. He thanked the governor for providing assistance to the Belarusian commodity distribution network and fairs of Belarusian products arranged in the region. One of such fairs has recently been held on the central square of Penza. According to the diplomat, Penza and Mogilev have been expanding their twin-town relations.

The diplomat expressed interest in increasing and diversifying the supplies of agricultural products, trucks, road construction and maintenance machinery, and municipal vehicles to Penza Oblast. He noted that a number of financial instruments could be used for this purpose. He told the governor about the capacities of the Belarusian construction industry and suggested using Belarusian building materials and employing Belarusian construction workers to implement infrastructure projects in Penza Oblast. Igor Petrishenko informed the governor about Belarus' project to produce passenger vehicles running on gas-motor fuel and confirmed that Belarusian companies are ready to take part in the upgrade of municipal transport in the region.

The Belarusian delegation met with representatives of the local business community. Igor Petrishenko presented Belarus' export and investment opportunities. Representatives of Belarus' biggest companies, like Stadler Minsk, Amkodor, Orsha Linen Mill, Gomselmash, MAZ and MTZ, informed the attendees about about possible cooperation projects.

During the visit to Penza Oblast, the Belarusian delegation is set to meet with Penza Mayor Yuri Krivov and visit a number of industrial enterprises.

The trade between Belarus and Penza Oblast amounted to $47.3 million in January-October 2014, down by 20%. The export made up $27.1 million (down by 12%), the import was estimated at $20.2 million (down by 28.6%). Belarus' major exports to Penza Oblast are particleboards, gas stoves, elevators, fiberboards, reservoirs from ferrous metals, footwear. Belarus' major imports from the region are bread and pastry, ferrous scrap, air pumps and vacuum pumps, compressors, ventilators, paper and cardboard, etc.