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Plans for school for innovative managers in Belarus unveiled

A school for innovative managers may be established in Belarus next year, BelTA learned from Alexander Shumilin, Chairman of the State Science and Technology Committee, on 18 August.

“Innovative managers are in short supply in Belarus. Therefore, I think that a so-called school for child prodigies, a school for innovative managers may be set up in Belarus in 2015. We will select 20-30 talented young people, who are knowledgeable in various areas in science and technology. We will offer them specialized training not only in Belarus. We will teach them how to build an innovative business, why having just an idea and its technical implementation is insufficient, it is important to organize everything properly,” explained the Chairman of the State Science and Technology Committee.

Apart from that, plans have been made to send a group of Belarusian university students to the summer school of the Skolkovo foundation next year where the implementation of innovative projects is practiced. “Together with the Belarusian Republican Youth Union and other organizations we will start forming groups to allow our students to study there,” said the official. In his words, in line with the existing agreements education will be free for Belarus. “It is a good opportunity to get education for organizing an innovative business. Prominent managers from all over the world read lectures in Russia,” stated Alexander Shumilin.
Tags: innovationsscience