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Project of detailed planning of Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park to be put out for public debate


The project of detailed planning of the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park will be put out for public consultation and debate, Deputy Director of the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park Kirill Koroteyev said during the business-conference "China (Guangdong) -Belarus (Minsk Oblast)”.

“The project of detailed planning, or the first phase of the park, will be put out for public consultation this week, in compliance with the procedures prescribed by the law,” said Kirill Koroteyev. The detailed planning project will be submitted to public discussion, as was the architectural design that had already been adopted. It will identify the lines of streets, placement of the modules for the manufactures and also the conditions regarding the height of buildings, locations, sizes of common platforms. Simultaneously, work is underway on the engineering and transport infrastructure in the Park. Geological prospecting and surveying works are in progress, said Kirill Koroteyev.

He also stressed that the architectural design of the Park approved by the government of Belarus on 4 June 2013 has been refined taken into account the comments received during the public discussion. The architectural design has been reexamined and altered. Once experts gave it a green light, the design was submitted for approval to the government.

During the business conference Kirill Koroteyev presented the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park project. He noted that last year Belarus set up the necessary legislative framework for the implementation of the project. The park administration was established, all procedures are carried out according to the principle "one station". A joint Belarusian-Chinese industrial park development company was established and is in charge of the construction of the infrastructure, attracting of investors.

An area of 80 square kilometers was allocated for the project. The Park will focus on electronics, fine chemistry, new materials and engineering. Industrial and residential zones will be built in the Park.

As noted by Kirill Koroteyev, the emphasis is made on the investors who are oriented on the markets of the three countries of the Customs Union. The State gives significant benefits to investors, including a 10-year exemption from income taxes, real estate and land taxes, and the exemptions on payment of customs duties. For comparison: taxes make up 27% under the general taxation, taxes in the Park will be 4%.

Kirill Koroteyev also said that the infrastructure construction in the Park will begin this year.