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Rapota in favor of stronger sci-tech ties between Belarus and Russia

The Union State needs to strengthen the scientific and technical cooperation between its memebrs, State Secretary of the Belarus-Russia Union State Grigory Rapota told reporters, BelTA has learned.

Grigory Rapota stressed that the Union State boasts a high level of cooperation in all areas. This achievement must not be wasted, and a new impetus should be given to scientific and technical cooperation. "Today’s challenges are import replacement, improvement of the mechanism of commercializing scientific achievements. I would like to see the Union State potential be utilized to meet those challenges,” he said.

Grigory Rapota participated in a ceremony to open the expert center of the Interacademy Council for the Development of the Union State of Belarus and Russia. The Union State would like to see Belarusian and Russian scientists participate in the scientific assessment and review of projects and programs. The Union State Permanent Committee has received many proposals on innovative products, including from business. Expert opinion is needed to analyze these ideas. "We need independent assessment of scientists. Expert center can become such a tool," Grigory Rapota noted.

He noted that the center is not a formal instrument of the Union State. “We will resort to its assistance when we deem necessary. It will help speed up the selection of the programs and projects that we will implement out of the Union State and the Union State budget,” he noted.