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Rapota: Union State plans to create a system of grants for young scientists

The Union State plans to create a system of grants for young scientists, State Secretary of the Belarus-Russia Union State Grigory Rapota said during the forum-workshop "Scientific environment of the Union State. New ideas and people,” BelTA has learned.

"If we talk about the support of young scientists, we now need to work on the system of grants. This would be a good stimulus," said Grigory Rapota.

He also stressed that today the prestige of science needs to be raised. "It is important that the society should understand that the work of a scientist is one of the most prestigious professions. This is very important,” Grigory Rapota noted.

The forum-workshop “Scientific environment of the Union State. New ideas and people” is running in Moscow on 24-25 November. The forum focuses on the most pressing issues in the field of scientific cooperation between the two states and the information content of the development of the Russian and Belarusian science.

The forum is attended by State Secretary of the Belarus-Russia Union State Grigory Rapota, Minister-Counsellor of the Embassy of Belarus in Russia, Pavel Legky, head of office of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Piotr Vityaz. Taking part in the event are also representatives of the Permanent Committee of the Union State, ministries and agencies of Belarus and Russia, the leading scientific establishments and higher educational institutions of the two countries, the curators of the Union State programs and projects, head of the media outlets, public figures.

The forum features the presentations of the Union State based on high technologies, achievements of Russian and Belarusian scientists in the field of space medicine, new-generation medicinal preparations.