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Real-time resource management now in Belarusian Oil Company

Belarusian Oil Company (BOC) has deployed an integrated information system for managing resources, BelTA learned from the company SAP CIS, the solution’s developer.

According to the source, the information system collects all the data available to Belarusian Oil Company personnel. The system is based on the SAP HANA platform for handling massive amounts of data.

Belarusian Oil Company’s manufacturing and financial reports are now compiled in real time. Operation costs have been reduced considerably. The system has also improved oversight over the operation of the company’s subdivisions. Logistics has been optimized. Complex monitoring of all the work with contracts is now in place. Interfaces have been worked out for daily data exchange with external information systems of the companies Belorusneft Mozyrneftepostavka, Belorusneft Novopolotskneftepostavka, Mozyr Oil Refinery, Naftan, the Belarusian gas-processing plant, and Beltamozhservis.

The deployment of the integrated information system will allow unifying business processes and enabling smooth interaction with suppliers and clients in accordance with uniform corporate standards. The software is already operational in Belarusian Oil Company’s HQ and in one of the affiliated companies – BNK (UK) Ltd.

The private joint-stock company (ZAO) Belarusian Oil Company was founded in 2007. At present it is the leading exporter of oil products from Belarus. The company is focused on consolidating export volumes of oil products made by OAO Naftan and OAO Mozyr Oil Refinery. The commodity distribution network of Belarusian Oil Company comprises two affiliated companies in the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Russia, Poland and Latvia.