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Russian Academy of Sciences deems international scientific projects important in today's world


MINSK, 21 September (BelTA) – International scientific projects with a full innovation cycle are important in modern conditions. Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergei Aldoshin made the statement on the sidelines of the session of the Council of the International Association of Academies of Sciences (IAAS), BelTA has learned.

Sergei Aldoshin said: “We count on advancing cooperation between IAAS participating states. The association has accomplished a lot but a lot of tasks have yet to be accomplished. Every year the IAAS plays a bigger role in cooperation between our countries. This platform offers an opportunity for creating joint major projects with a full innovation cycle, which include fundamental, applied, and exploratory research and the creation of end products.”

The official remarked that the Russian Academy of Sciences actively cooperates with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. “Belarus plays a very important consolidating role in the IAAS. We expect that we will expand opportunities for multilateral cooperation during today's discussions. Microelectronics, artificial intelligence, and other topical matters are on the agenda,” he stressed.

“By the way, I invite all the IAAS participants to join celebrations of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2024. Many academies of sciences of the CIS states were created with assistance of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It means it is our common celebration. I think it will proceed in a businesslike, creative, and friendly environment,” Sergei Aldoshin added.

The session of the Council of the International Association of Academies of Sciences is dedicated to the 30th anniversary since the association was founded. Top officials of the national academies of sciences of Belarus, Russia, three provinces of China, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cuba, Vietnam, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, and other countries are taking part in it. Heads of leading research centers also participate in the work of the IAAS Council. Those include Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia's Kurchatov Institute, the Russian Academy of Education, and other ones.

The International Association of Academies of Sciences (IAAS) unites academies of sciences of the CIS states and other countries, universities, and major research centers. The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has been the basic academy of sciences to provide organizational and instructional support for the IAAS since 2017. Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Vladimir Gusakov is the head of the International Association of Academies of Sciences. The IAAS Council is the supreme governing body. The association includes 26 scientific councils focusing on various areas of science. Leading scientists in biology, virology, geology, history, science studies of the CIS states, China, and other countries sit on the councils.
