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Russian Academy of Sciences suggests hydrogen engine R&D project to Belarus

Aleksandr Sergeyev. Photo courtesy of RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, 1 July (BelTA) – President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Aleksandr Sergeyev has suggested implementing a project in Belarus, which provides for equipping automobiles and other kinds of vehicles and machines, including aircraft, with hydrogen engines. The official put forward the initiative at the plenary session of the 8th Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia on 1 July, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Sergeyev said: “Nuclear energy and hydrogen energy will play the key role in the future. While the Union State of Belarus and Russia is at the forefront of development in the area of nuclear energy – the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant is a case in point – we are just starting exploring the matter of hydrogen energy. It requires a considerable increase in R&D efforts. I am talking primarily about studies to make so-called green hydrogen with zero greenhouse gas emissions and R&D work to make hydrogen fuel cells for engines of ground vehicles and aerial vehicles.”

“Taking into account the energy potential of Belarus after the Belarusian nuclear power plant reaches the designed output capacity and taking into account the technologies our scientists have developed for making hydrogen via electrolysis and for making highly effective fuel cells, a joint project, which could be implemented in Belarus in order to equip all kinds of transport with hydrogen engines and create the first chain of hydrogen refueling stations, looks quite promising,” the president of the Russian Academy of Sciences stressed.
