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Russian experience of deployment of smart city technologies to help realize them in Belarus

Anton Alekseyev

MINSK, 19 April (BelTA) – The experience of introducing smart city technologies in Russia will help deploy these technologies in Belarus, BelTA learned from Director of the Belarusian company OOO Giprosvjaz Anton Alekseyev.

Rosatom's country office in Belarus and Rusatom Infrastructure Solutions have signed an agreement with Giprosvjaz on strategic cooperation in realizing joint projects with regard to the deployment of smart city technologies. The document was signed on the sidelines of the international information and communications technologies forum TIBO 2023.

The first stage of the digital platform Smart City is being deployed as part of the government program on digital development. “The experience of introduction and realization of such technologies in the Russian Federation will help introduce these solutions in Belarus. Smart City is not limited to technologies. It also covers education and the use of these technologies. Rosatom has huge experience, which we intend to tap into in order to avoid errors,” Anton Alekseyev said.

In his words, OOO Giprosvjaz provides methodological support to the Communications and Informatization Ministry. “The concept of the technical design specification Smart City in Belarus was fully written as part of scientific papers. A government program on scientific research ordered by the Communications and Informatization Ministry and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is nearing completion now. Thanks to this program a surface level for the introduction of all systems of the Smart City concept has been worked out. We set the mood while leaders of the domestic market such as Rosatom offer concrete technological solutions,” the executive concluded.
