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Russia’s market most promising for Belarus' space industry

Russia’s market is the most promising for Belarus when it comes to the space industry, Deputy Director For Science at Geoinformation Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Boris Chernukha told reporters on 18 March, BelTA has learnt.

According to Boris Chernukha, the market of space technology is well-established and it is pretty hard for new companies to enter it. Europe, the United States and China have secured their stance on this mature market, there are no free niches left there, the scientist said. “Russia is the most promising market for us, because the country has a huge territory, Russian satellites are few and there is only one satellite as advanced as ours,” he added.

Trying to penetrate the Russian market, Belarus collaborates with companies and organizations that entered this market earlier and have the necessary infrastructure and experience in selling space information. Besides, a Belarus-Russia joint venture International Space Technologies was established.