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Sci-tech parks of Minsk, Czechia sign agreement on cooperation


The Minsk Sci-Tech Park and the Czech Association of Sci-Tech Parks signed an agreement on cooperation, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Foreign Ministry of Belarus.

The document was signed at the 5th meeting of the Belarusian-Czech commission for economic, industrial and sci-tech cooperation held in Prague on 23-25 April. The commission was set up following the intergovernmental agreement on economic, industrial and sci-tech cooperation signed on 22 January 2009.

The Belarusian delegation was led by Chairman of the Belarusian part of the commission, Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus Alexander Guryanov. The Czech delegation was headed by Chairman of the Czech part of the commission, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Milan Hovorka.

Partaking in the work of the commission on Belarus’ behalf were top executives of the Forestry Ministry, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the State Committee for Standardization, representatives of the Foreign Ministry, the Industry Ministry, the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Sports Ministry, the Finance Ministry, the National Investment and Privatization Agency. Attending the event on Czech behalf were representatives of the agricultural and transport industries, banks, the insurance company EGAP, businessmen.

The commission held the 4th meeting of the task group on cooperation in transport, the 3rd meeting of the task group on sci-tech and innovation cooperation, meetings of experts on mechanical engineering, energy, tourism, forestry and standardization.

The parties discussed the implementation of joint investment projects in Belarus in various areas, including in energy, industry, petrochemistry and transport. The commission considered the status of the bilateral legal framework, cooperation prospects in standardization, certification, the sci-tech sector. The parties paid special attention to the cooperation potential within the Customs Union of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan and the Single Economic Space.

The sides expressed intention to expand cooperation between Belarusian and Czech companies with a view on further development of the domestic markets of Belarus and the Czech Republic and advancement of joint products to third countries.