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Science and Engineering Fair 2016 contest kicks off in Belarus

The first stage of the science and engineering contest for school students Belarus Science and Engineering Fair 2016 (BelSEF 2016) kicked off on 16 January. Its winners will represent the country at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) in the United States, BelTA learned from the Minsk Regional Institute for Education Development.

BelSEF is a nationwide science and engineering competition for students aged between 13 and 18. This year, Belarusian students will compete in the categories computer science, mathematical sciences, engineering: electrical and mechanical, robotics and intelligent machines, physics, and environmental sciences.

The competition consists of two stages. The first (in absentia) stage will be running from 16 January till 10 February and the second one from 19 till 21 February 2016.

The competition has been organized by the education department of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee, the Minsk Regional Institute for Education Development, the Hi-Tech Park, and Intel Corporation.

Four winners of the competition will represent Belarus at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair to be held in in Phoenix, USA on 8-13 May 2016.