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Shumilin: Belarusian scientists create 3-5 world-level innovations every year

Belarusian scientists create from three to five world-level innovations every year, which are truly in demand both on the home and foreign markets, BelTA learned from Chairman of the State Science and Technology Committee of Belarus Alexander Shumilin, who took part in the national scientific seminar and conference on the commercialization of R&D efforts in Mogilev on 20 November.

According to Alexander Shumilin, Belarusian researchers should learn to use modern technologies meant to market and promote products. To develop and make a product is not sufficient. The product has to be introduced to the market and sold. The relevant technologies are available for it. Leading companies spend 30-60% of the budget on branding their new products. “It is a very topical matter for Belarus. Our economy should use the available research products. What cannot be used should be exported. By doing so Belarusian scientists will be able to return investments in R&D and earn money through intellectual effort. With this in mind it is necessary to arrange exhibitions like the one in Mogilev more often. It is necessary to use the Internet to promote R&D products on the market and take part in all kinds of exhibition events abroad,” he said.

The Chairman of the State Science and Technology Committee of Belarus was convinced that Minsk cannot be the only place where science is developed and innovations are created. The regions do a lot, too. The enterprises that operate in the regions, in particular, in Mogilev Oblast, should be aware of the availability of the relevant research products in the country. Alexander Shumilin said he was confident that after the exhibition and the seminar a number of enterprises may take interest in new research products of Belarusian scientists.

Alexander Shumilin noted that the industrial sector is a bit passive in using innovations. In his opinion, it is necessary to make new and expensive products. Innovative products sell well on the market these days. If a company wants to sell a product, it has to offer something new. Unique products earn a lot of money.

As an example Alexander Shumilin mentioned the Minsk-based company Adani that makes breast scanners. The Belarusian product is exported to the USA, Europe, China, and other countries. The mammograph was the product the company started with. Now Adani makes various kinds of security systems for metro, other devices. The Vitebsk-based design bureau KB Display operates quite effectively. The company has mastered the production of aircraft displays.