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Snopkov: Belarus among world leaders in per capita export of IT services

Belarus is among the world leaders in the export of IT services per capita, Economy Minister of Belarus Nikolai Snopkov said at the opening of the Belarus-UK investment forum in London on 14 November, BelTA has learned.

“Belarus enjoys a rapidly developing services sector. The country is among world leaders in the export of IT services per capita. To be precise, we are second best behind India. Our three companies make it into the top 100 in IT-outsourcing,” Nikolai Snopkov noted.

In his words, the country is known not only for its B2B (Business to Business) products but also its mass-use software. Viber and World of Tanks are Belarusian products, the minister stressed.

According to Nikolai Snopkov, the potential of the IT sector is huge and Belarus is the most appropriate place to develop it. In comparison with the Silicon Valley, for instance, the services of talented Belarusian developers are much cheaper.

The minister stressed that Belarus is aimed at creating a comfortable business environment which is the basis for a dynamic development of the new economy. “According to the World Bank’s Doing Business report, Belarus has been among the best legislative reformers over a few past years,” he said. In his words, government initiatives to boost the private sector form a soft regime for startups and doing business in general in Belarus.

Nikolai Snopkov also stressed that Belarus is a country with a high human development index. “Every fifth young citizen of our country is a student of a higher educational institution. This data proves Belarus’ big potential in developing efficient companies with a high order of intelligence,” he noted.