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Snopkov: Innovations will fuel economic growth in Belarus

The innovative products which are mainly manufactured by small and medium-sized businesses will be the driver of economic growth in Belarus in the near future, Belarus Economy Minister Nikolai Snopkov said at the opening of the 4th International Business Forum organized as part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, BelTA has learned.

"Innovations are impossible without an enterprising spirit. Therefore the government focuses on the development of innovative entrepreneurship susceptible to innovations and able to adapt to changes in the global economy more effectively and more quickly," the minister said.

According to him, the important task of the government and the Economy Ministry is to create an environment conducive to, above all, an enterprising spirit and initiative. One of the significant steps in this direction has been Decree No. 229 which has introduced new tools to stimulate innovations by individuals and small business entities (innovation vouchers and grants).

“At all times the engines of progress were people who offered the society new ways. The changes have always faced hostility: such is a human nature. However, we must take this journey, overcome these hardships to ultimately achieve our goal,” said Nikolai Snopkov.

Global Entrepreneurship Week is held in 140 countries around the world, including in Belarus, from 17 to 23 November. The week provides an opportunity to foreign and Belarusian partners to share the experiences. The week will bring together business leaders, international experts, diplomats, representatives of financial institutions, business associations and authorities. The program includes workshops, conferences, discussions, competitions. The key event of the week is the 4th International Entrepreneurship Forum.