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Some RUB3bn for Belarus-Russia Union State programs in 2016

About RUB3 billion will be spent on implementing programs of the Union State of Belarus and Russia in 2016, BelTA learned from Grigory Rapota, State Secretary of the Union State, during the expert and media seminar held in Moscow on 24 November to discuss new ideas and people in developing science in the Belarus-Russia Union.

Grigory Rapota explained that nine Union State programs are in the pipeline now. “They differ a lot from each other. For instance, we have a program on manufacturing lactoferrin. It is a long-term one. It involves a lot of research and finance. We have already obtained a unique product and are thinking about ways to sell it. We don’t need science per se. We need a product we can use. Manufacturing baby food in Belarus is one of the ideas. In Russia scientists are looking for pharmaceutical applications of lactoferrin, the production of new medications,” he noted.

Among other promising programs Grigory Rapota mentioned the creation of new materials and the use of remote Earth sensing capabilities.

The expert and media forum and seminar on new ideas and people with regard to development vectors of the scientific environment in the Union State of Belarus and Russia is scheduled to take place in Moscow on 24-25 November. The purpose of the event is to discuss the most topical matters in scientific cooperation between Belarus and Russia and to draw attention to the information component in developing Belarusian and Russian science.

Taking part in the forum were State Secretary of the Union State of Belarus and Russia Grigory Rapota, Consul Ambassador of the Embassy of Belarus in Russia Pavel Legky, and Chief of Staff of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Piotr Vityaz. Apart from that, the forum gathered representatives of the Permanent Committee of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, the relevant ministries and government agencies of Belarus and Russia, top scientific and education institutions of the two countries, the people in charge of supervising Union State programs and projects, heads of mass media, and public figures.

A presentation of Union State projects, which are created on the basis of high technologies, research products of Belarusian and Russian scientists in the area of space healthcare, new-generation medications, also took place as part of the forum.