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Space, electronics, high technologies among Union State priorities

Among the Union State priorities is the implementation of programs in space exploration, electronics, high, information and nanotechnologies, State Secretary of the Union State Grigory Rapota said at the meeting held in Moscow on 20 February to discuss cooperation in the security sector, law enforcement activities, military and technical complexes, BelTA learnt from the Union State Permanent Committee.

Attending the event were representatives of the ministries – customers of Union State programs. The participants of the meeting exchanged opinions on the implementation of programs in 2013, their financing in 2014 and the formation of the budget in part of security, law enforcement activities and defense for 2015-2017.

According to Grigory Rapota, nine programs and five events in the security and defense sector were implemented in 2013. Nine programs and four more events to the total of RUB2.87 billion are slated for implementation in 2014. A bit less than RUB2 billion will be developed on the territory of Russia, with about RUB1 billion allocated for Belarus.

According to the State Secretary, these programs include space exploration, military technologies. Several R&D establishments are involved in the implementation of each program. All the programs are aimed at the final product and its serial production, Grigory Rapota stressed.