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Technology transfer viewed as promising area of cooperation between Belarus, Germany’s Saxony

Transfer of technology and knowledge is a promising area for cooperation between Belarus and Germany’s Saxony, Oliver Wehner, a member the Saxon Landtag (the Parliament of Saxony), told BelTA.

In summer 2016, Oliver Wehner visited Minsk as part of a parliamentary delegation. He said that the visit changed their opinion of Belarus. “As for the German people, Belarus attracted major attention even before our visit, thanks to the negotiations on the situation in Ukraine and the Minsk accords,” the politician noted.

“We visited a number of enterprises, including Minsk Tractor Works and the Hi-Tech Park, and were greatly impressed with your achievements. The Belarusian side invited German businessmen to strengthen their positions in the Belarusian market. I believe that the climate of trust is the basis for successful operation of an enterprise. This is why it is so important to maintain the contacts that have already been established between the two countries,” Oliver Wehner emphasized.

The German politician believes that Belarusian and Saxon companies must conduct their own search for cooperation opportunities, and their efforts should be supported at the political level. “Today there are many promising cooperation avenues. Belarus has well-developed agriculture. This gives reason to think that we can have some points of contact in this sector. Besides, the Belarusian side shows interest in transfer of knowledge and technology. Belarus and Saxony that has world-famous university centers can develop ties as equal partners. Certain steps in this direction have already been made,” Oliver Wehner added.

A Belarusian delegation comprised of government officials and civil society representatives paid a visit to the Federal Republic of Germany from 14 to 20 September. The visit was organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS). The program of the visit included meetings with representatives of the German Bundesrat and Bundestag, the Federal Chancellery, the Federal Ministry of Defense, the Saxon Landtag, German politicians, businessmen and members of the general public.

Analysts note that the relations between Germany and Belarus have improved considerably since Autumn 2015. As they met with the Belarusian delegation, German businessmen and the general public stressed their interest in stable good-neighborly relations and economic development of the countries along the border of the European Union.