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Ten young Belarusian scientists to attend Skolkovo summer school

Ten young scientists from Belarus will take part in the summer school of the Skolkovo Foundation, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian State Science and Technology Committee.

“Ten Belarusians will undergo training at the summer school of the Open University Skolkovo to be held in Moscow from 28 June till 3 July 2015. Our delegation will include postgraduate students, university teachers, and researchers working in such areas as healthcare and agriculture whose interests include innovation marketing, marketing of scientific research, and innovative business technologies,” the State Science and Technology Committee explained.

The press service noted that this year’s edition of the summer school will be held under the logo Science as Business. It will gather talented young researchers from Russia and other CIS member countries interested in networking, creating multi-disciplinary teams and projects, and promoting scientific research activities. As many as nine teams will be formed on the geographical basis. The teams will be working to develop a regional education program for selling scientific products and creating innovations. The best program will be implemented jointly with the Skolkovo Foundation in the corresponding region.

The Belarusian State Science and Technology Committee said that the program of the summer school features lectures, seminars, brainstorm sessions, games, workshops, discussions, film screenings, and project defense. The participants will get acquainted with the key players of the scientific and innovation system such as government agencies, foundations, global corporations, and universities. They will also study the marketing tools for promoting scientific research and discuss the most promising areas for the national research and innovation system of Russia and the CIS member states. The project is an important step towards creating and developing a scientific management personnel pool in the countries of the CIS.